Error: Description:
Nip roller does not ascend | |
Ex102 | Nip roller does not descend | |
Ex103 | Transport unit does not ascend | |
Ex104 | Transport unit does not descend | |
Ex105 | Trail clamp arm does not ascend | |
Ex106 | Trail clamp arm does not descend | |
Ex107 | Squeeze roller does not descend | |
Ex108 | Squeeze roller does not ascend | |
Ex109 | Trail clamp cannot be locked. PH24-1/2 or M24 is illegal | |
Ex10a | Trail clamp cannot be unlocked. PH24-1/2 or M24 is illegal | |
Ex10b | Balancer drive pin cannot be initialized | |
Ex10c | Both of the Home and Away side drive pins for the balancer can not be pulled out | |
Ex10d | Both of the Home and Away side drive pins for the balancer can not be inserted | |
Ex10e | Bar for releasing the lead clamp does not ascend | |
Ex10f | Bar for releasing the lead clamp does not descend | |
Ex110 | Shutter does not open | |
Ex111 | Shutter does not close | |
Ex112 | Plate size (in the Y direction) is shorter than the set value | |
Ex113 | When the plate is unloaded, the plate pass sensor (PH54-2) does not switch to ON | |
Ex114 | Not bring down squeeze at loading | |
Ex115 | Plate size (in the Y direction) is longer than the set value | |
Ex116 | Servo status is illegal | |
Ex117 | Servo status is error | |
Ex118 | Servo alarm | |
Ex11a | Drum speed is set beyond the permitted rate of the servo controller | |
Ex11b | Current drum’s encoder pulse is beyond 4000 | |
Ex11c | Error has occurred during drum positioning | |
Ex11d | When the clamp is locked, some tail clamps are detected on the clamp arm, or when the clamp is unlocked, some tail clamps are not detected on the clamp arm | |
Ex11e | Drum’s encoder pulse is beyond the permitted range after drum positioning | |
Ex11f | Plate cannot be transferred into the transport unit | |
Ex120 | Home side balancer pin cannot be detected before insertion | |
Ex121 | Home side balancer pin cannot be detected before pulled out (The balancer is not moving). | |
Ex122 | Clamp arm and squeeze roller do not descend | |
Ex123 | Trail clamp is half-locked | |
Ex124 | The plate passing-sensor for unloading (PH54) does not switch to ON | |
Ex125 | Time-out error has occurred when the squeeze roller ascends and clamp cam | |
Ex126 | There was no plate to move to the shutter | |
Ex127 | Servo controller does not enter the “Ready” status | |
Ex128 | The balancer search sensor has not detected a balancer | |
Ex129 | Error has occurred on the Home side of the alignment plate (while the alignment plate is returning to its origin) | |
Ex12a | Error has occurred on the Away side of the alignment plate (while the alignment plate is returning to its origin) | |
Ex12b | Error has occurred on the Home and Away sides of the alignment plate (while the alignment plate is returning to its origin) | |
Ex12c | Error has occurred on the Home side of the alignment plate (while alignment is performed) | |
Ex12d | Error has occurred on the alignment plate (while alignment is performed) | |
Ex12e | Error has occurred on the Home and Away sides of the alignment plate (when alignment is performed) | |
Ex12f | Plate has not transferred to the punch unit | |
Ex130 | Plate does not leave the punch unit | |
Ex131 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 1 is activated | |
Ex132 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 2 is activated | |
Ex133 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 3 is activated | |
Ex134 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 4 is activated | |
Ex135 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 5 is activated | |
Ex136 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 6 is activated | |
Ex137 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 7 is activated | |
Ex138 | Time-out error has occurred when Punch 8 is activated | |
Ex139 | After a plate is transferred to the gripper clamp, the plate detection sensor (PH29H/A) does not switch to ON | |
Ex13a | When the clamp arm is lowered, the sensor (to detect whether the clamp arm pins are hooked on the clamp properly) has been turned ON.(Home side) | |
Ex13b | The specified encoder pulse for the drum is beyond 4000 | |
Ex13c | The transport unit’s Away side is not moving during its operation | |
Ex13d | The transport unit’s Home side is not moving during its operation | |
Ex13e | Error has occurred on the Home side of the alignment plate (while the alignment plate is finely returning to its origin) | |
Ex13f | Error has occurred on the Away side of the alignment plate (while the alignment plate is finely returning to its origin) | |
Ex140 | Error has occurred on the Home and Away side of the alignment plate (while the alignment plate is returning to its origin) | |
Ex141 | A plate remains in the transport unit when the machine received a request command | |
Ex142 | A plate remains in the transport unit during error handling | |
Ex143 | A plate remains on the discharge table in the transport unit | |
Ex144 | A plate remains on the insertion table in the transport unit | |
Ex145 | Plate cannot be moved onto the discharge table during initialization | |
Ex146 | Plate cannot be moved onto the insertion table | |
Ex147 | Balancer search operation has not been completed properly | |
Ex148 | When the transport unit descends, only the Home side Down sensor in the transport unit is turned ON | |
Ex149 | When the transport unit descends, only the Away side Down sensor in the transport unit is turned ON | |
Ex14a | When the transport unit ascends, only the Home side UP sensor in the transport unit is turned ON | |
Ex14b | When the transport unit ascends, only the Away side UP sensor in the transport unit is turned ON | |
Ex14c | Front, rear or side cover is open. (Some interlock switches are OFF) | |
Ex14d | A fuse on the relay board was blown. (home) | |
Ex14e | Thumbscrew is not tightened securely on the rear cover. (The servo stop switch is ON) | |
Ex14f | A plate exists on the discharge table in the transport unit during initialization | |
Ex150 | A plate exists on the insertion table in the transport unit during initialization | |
Ex151 | Number of balancers is not sufficient. (The number of balancers checked by the balancer search sensor was one, two or three for both the Home and Away sides) | |
Ex152 | Clamp arm is not in the UP position | |
Ex153 | A fuse on the relay board was blown. (away) | |
Ex154 | Blower is turned off, but signal does not change | |
Ex155 | Tail clamps are missing during initialization | |
Ex156 | The size check program of the cetering function detects that the measured plate size is longer than the expected one | |
Ex157 | The size check program of the cetering function detects that the measured plate size is shorter than the expected one | |
Ex158 | Both of Home and Away size check sensors are on before starting the centering program | |
Ex159 | Auto-loader is stopped by a interlock OFF | |
Ex15a | This hardware matching is illegal | |
Ex15b | The balancer is not moved to the target position | |
Ex15c | The drum can not be spun up because the Home-Upper sensor of the Lead clamp release bar is off | |
Ex15d | During plate loading, double plate loading is detected | |
Ex15e | The loaded plate is detected to be floating while drum spinning | |
Ex15f | The drum cannot be spun up because the Upper sensor of the clamp arm is off | |
Ex160 | The drum can not be spined up because the Home-Upper sensor of the clamp arm is off | |
Ex161 | The drum cannot be spun up because the balancing pin on the (Away side) is not in the waiting position | |
Ex162 | The drum cannot be spun up because the balancing pin on the (Home side) is not in the waiting position | |
Ex163 | The drum cannot be spun up because the Upper sensor of the squeeze roller is off | |
Ex164 | The drum can not be spun up because the Away-Upper sensor of the Lead clamp release bar is off | |
Ex165 | The drum is rotated to the “lead clamp position”, but the status of the Servo controller (SVC) has not changed to “Ready” | |
Ex166 | The drum is rotated to the “tail clamp position”, but the status of the Servo controller (SVC) has not changed to “Ready” | |
Ex167 | The drum is rotated to the “squeeze position”, but the status of the Servo controller (SVC) has not changed to “Ready” | |
Ex168 | The drum is rotated to the “balance pin before inserted”, but the status of the Servo controller (SVC) has not changed to “Ready” | |
Ex169 | The drum is rotated to the “balance pin after inserted”, but the status of the Servo controller (SVC) has not changed to “Ready” | |
Ex16a | The drum is rotated to the “pick up tail clamp position”, but the status of Servo controller (SVC) has not changed to “Ready” | |
Ex16b | The drum is rotated to the “plate removal position”, but the status of the Servo controller (SVC) has not changed to “Ready” | |
Ex16c | SVC Error has occurred during drum positioning for the lead clamp | |
Ex16d | SVC Error has occurred during drum positioning for the tail clamp | |
Ex16e | SVC Error has occurred during drum positioning for the squeeze | |
Ex16f | SVC Error has occurred during drum positioning for the balance pin insertion | |
Ex170 | SVC Error has occurred during drum positioning for the balance pin pull out | |
Ex171 | SVC Error has occurred during drum positioning for the picking up tail clamp | |
Ex172 | SVC Error has occurred during drum positioning for the plate removal | |
Ex173 | Time-out error has occurred during drum positioning (Lead clamp position) | |
Ex174 | Time-out error has occurred during drum positioning (Tail clamp position) | |
Ex175 | Time-out error has occurred during drum positioning (Squeeze position) | |
Ex176 | Time-out error has occurred during drum positioning (Balance pin before inserted) | |
Ex177 | Time-out error has occurred during drum positioning (Balance pin after inserted) | |
Ex178 | Time-out error has occurred during drum positioning (Pick up tail clamp) | |
Ex179 | Time-out error has occurred during drum positioning (Plate removal) | |
Ex17a | After verifying the removal of the plate, press the OK button. When the OK button is pressed, initialization begins | |
Ex17b | PH62A-sensor is illegal. The sensor detects a plate during initialization | |
Ex17c | PH29H-sensor is illegal. The PH29H-sensor does not turn ON during initialization | |
Ex17d | PH61H-sensor is illegal. The sensor detects a plate during initialization | |
Ex17e | PH61A-sensor is illegal. The sensor detects a plate during initialization | |
Ex17f | PH29A-sensor is illegal. The PH29A-sensor does not turn ON during initialization | |
Ex180 | Drum does not start rotating at high-speed | |
Ex181 | Drum does not rotate at the specified high-speed | |
Ex182 | Error has occurred after the drum rotated at the specified high-speed | |
Ex183 | Drum cannot be stopped when rotating at high-speed | |
Ex184 | Drum operation is stopped with an emergency stop command | |
Ex185 | Drum operation is stopped with an abort command | |
Ex186 | Drum’s vacuum pressure is not sufficient. Please confirm connection of the blower-hose, or the Vacuum-sensor is illegal | |
Ex187 | Error has occurred on the blower, or the power supply of the blower is OFF | |
Ex188 | Drum operation is stopped due to low pressure in the drum | |
Ex189 | Door is open | |
Ex18a | Door does not open | |
Ex18b | Transport tasks: Parameter error | |
Ex18c | Error has occured on the blower. Please turn off this machine, and turn on after waiting 10 seconds. Also, confirm whether or not the connector doesn’t come off | |
Ex18d | The drum can not be spun up, because some of the interlock switches are OFF, or some of the actuator’s sensors are damaged, or the blower is damaged | |
Ex18e | Door does not open, because some of the interlock switches are OFF (front cover or rear cover is open) | |
Ex190 | Clamp arm does not descend (Home side) | |
Ex191 | Clamp arm does not descend (Away side) | |
Ex192 | Clamp arm does not ascend (Home side) | |
Ex193 | Clamp arm does not ascend (Away side) | |
Ex194 | When the clamp arm is lowered, the sensor (to detect whether the clamp arm pins are hooked on the clamp properly) has been turned ON (Away side) | |
Ex195 | Trail clamp cannot be locked (Home side) | |
Ex196 | Trail clamp cannot be locked (Home side) | |
Ex197 | Trail clamp cannot be unlocked (Home side) | |
Ex198 | Trail clamp cannot be unlocked (Away side) | |
Ex199 | Balancer drive pin cannot be inserted (Home side) Either of PH11-1H,PH11-2H or M11H is illegal | |
Ex19a | Balancer drive pin cannot be inserted (Away side) Either of PH11-1A,PH11-2A or M11A is illegal | |
Ex19b | Balancer drive pin cannot be pulled out (Home side) Either of PH11-1H,PH11-2H or M11H is illegal | |
Ex19c | Balancer drive pin cannot be pulled out (Away side) Either of PH11-1A,PH11-2A or M11A is illegal | |
Ex19d | Balancer pin cannot be detected before insertion (Away side) | |
Ex19e | Balancer pin cannot be detected before pull out (the balancer is not moving) (Away side) | |
Ex19f | The balancer search sensor has not detected a balancer.(Home side) | |
Ex1a0 | The balancer search sensor has not detected a balancer.(Away side) | |
Ex1a1 | Number of balancers is not sufficient. (Home side) | |
Ex1a2 | Number of balancers is not sufficient. (Away side) | |
Ex1a3 | Soft-interlock or drum-stop swtich is OFF during drum spinning | |
Ex1a4 | The cover-interlock switch is OFF during drum | |
spinning Ex1a5 | The interlock switch-3 is OFF during drum spinning | |
Ex1a6 | A plate cannot be carried into the transport unit | |
Ex1a7 | A plate cannot be carried to sensor PPH50-2 | |
Ex1a8 | Auto-loader is not turned on, or some interlock switches on Auto-loader are OFF. Please turn on Auto-loader, or all interlock switch | |
Ex1a9 | Cassete carrier was removed. Please set cassette carrier | |
Ex1aa | The door of the cassette part is open | |
Ex1ab | Maintenance-cover of Auto-loader was opend. Please clode maintenance cover | |
Ex1ac | Bridge cover-2 was opened. Please clode bridge cover-2 | |
Ex1ad | An interleaf under a plate was detected. Or a plate size (in the Y direction) is shorter than the set value | |
Ex1ae | An interleaf was detected on a plate. Or a plate size (in the Y direction) is shorter than the set value | |
Ex1b0 | Trail clamp is not detected on the clamp arm before the plate loading | |
Ex1b1 | Trail clamp is detected on the clamp arm before the plate unloading | |
Ex1b2 | Trail clamp cannot be set correctly | |
Ex1b3 | This plate can’t be transed. Because something error has occured when the transfering to AT | |
Ex1b4 | This plate can’t be transed. Because trans path position is down | |
Ex1b6 | The bridge-passing sensor does not turn OFF (for Jig mode) | |
Ex1b7 | A plate remains on the plate detection sensor(PH70) | |
Ex1b8 | When detects the front of a plate, the detection area is not brought | |
Ex1b9 | When detects the front of a plate, the detection of Home or Away is not brought | |
Ex1ba | PH11-2H-sensor is illegal. The PH11-2H-sensor does not turn ON during initialization | |
Ex1bb | PH11-2A-sensor is illegal. The PH11-2A-sensor does not turn ON during initialization | |
Ex1c0 | Lead clamp release bar cannot be driven. Either PH30H or PH31H is illegal | |
Ex1c1 | Lead clamp release bar cannot be driven. Either PH30H or PH31H is illegal | |
Ex1c2 | Trans path cannot be driven. Either PH55, PH56, or PH57 is illegal | |
Ex1c3 | Trans path cannot be driven. Either PH56, or, PH57 is illegal | |
Ex1c4 | Trans path cannot be driven. Either PH55, or, PH56 is illegal | |
Ex1c5 | Trans path cannot be driven. Either PH55, or, PH57 is illegal | |
Ex1c6 | Trail clamp arm cannot be driven. Either PH20 or PH21 is illegal | |
Ex1c7 | Trail clamp arm cannot be driven. Either PH20 or M20 is illegal | |
Ex1c8 | An interleaf was detected under a plate | |
Ex1c9 | When centering alignment is performed, the plate set position is out of range | |
Ex1ca | Error has occured on the punching unit. The punch hole could not be opened correctly | |
Ex1cb | Opened shutter obstructs trans path driving | |
Ex1cc | Trail clamp arm obstructs trans path driving | |
Ex1cd | A plate remains in a machine | |
Ex1d0 | Transfer operation is halted with an abort command | |
Ex1d1 | Transport tasks are being processed | |
Ex1d2 | Transport tasks are not being processed | |
Ex1d3 | Transport tasks: Message order error | |
Ex1d4 | Transport system is not initialized | |
Ex1e0 | SVC user parameter breakdown | |
Ex1e1 | SVC user parameter setting error | |
Ex1e2 | SVC over-current | |
Ex1e3 | SVC detection of regenerative error | |
Ex1e4 | SVC postion error pulse overflow | |
Ex1e5 | SVC Main circuit voltage error detection | |
Ex1e6 | SVC over speed | |
Ex1e7 | SVC overloaded (high load) | |
Ex1e8 | SVC overloaded (low load) | |
Ex1e9 | SVC stauts 99h | |
Ex1ea | SVC heat sink has overheated | |
Ex1eb | SVC stauts b1h | |
Ex1ec | SVC is out of control | |
Ex1ed | SVC phase error has been detected in the encoder | |
Ex1ef | SVC A and B phase for the encoder has broke down | |
Ex1f0 | SVC C phase for the encoder has broke down | |
Ex1f1 | SVC some phases of power line is open | |
Ex1f3 | SVC An instantaneous loss of power has occurred | |
Ex1f4 | SVC unknown error | |
Ex200 | Exposure operation is interrupted with an abort command | |
Ex201 | Exposure processing task is now processing another command | |
Ex202 | Cancellation was requested while processing was not being performed | |
Ex203 | PGON is not asserted | |
Ex204 | START signal is not asserted | |
Ex205 | START signal is not negated | |
Ex206 | Test pattern; Data is not transferred | |
Ex207 | Test pattern; Data transfer is not completed | |
Ex208 | Reset procedure for RB31 board is not completed | |
Ex209 | The set value for the drum rotation speed is too large | |
Ex20a | No plate edge is detected (when the plate edge sensor moves to the Away side) | |
Ex20b | No plate edge is detected (when the plate edge sensor is returning to the Home side) | |
Ex20c | Recording head has traveled beyond the limit (on the Away side) | |
Ex20d | Recording head has traveled beyond the limit (on the Home side) | |
Ex20e | Recording head positioning range error | |
Ex20f | Recording head has not been positioned at its origin. (Origin sensor does not turn OFF) | |
Ex210 | Recording head has not been positioned at its origin. (Origin sensor does not turn ON) | |
Ex211 | Emergency stop is requested for the secondary-scanning motor | |
Ex212 | Secondary-scanning motor is deactivated with an abort command | |
Ex213 | Secondary scanning motor is illegal | |
Ex214 | Exposure in the secondary scanning direction exceeds the effective image ouput range | |
Ex215 | FPGA sequence error | |
Ex216 | Time-out error has occurred when the secondary scanning motor is activated | |
Ex217 | EZ search has not detected the ORG sensor | |
Ex218 | EZ search has not detected the EZ sensor | |
Ex219 | When the CAL sensor search was executed, the maximum light intensity was less than 50 mW | |
Ex21a | Light intensity at the measurement starting point was at maximum when the CAL sensor search was executed | |
Ex21b | Light intensity at the measurement end point was at maximum when the CAL sensor search was executed | |
Ex21c | Over travel at recording head’s Home side when the CAL sensor search was executed | |
Ex21d | Test pattern parameter error | |
Ex21e | PGON signal is not negated | |
Ex21f | Secorndary direction origin point setup procedure failure.(The calibrated origin point is not the same as logical origin point) | |
Ex220 | After an image data transfer from RIP is interrupted, it isn’t resumed | |
Ex221 | Drum rotation error was detected. This plate will be unloaded because it could not be exposed correctly | |
Ex300 | Both of plate pad and paper pad are not in original point | |
Ex301 | After an interleaf is removed, plate cannot be detected | |
Ex302 | An interleaf was detected on a plate. Or a plate size (in the Y direction) is shorter than the set value | |
Ex303 | Plate pad cannot be initialized | |
Ex304 | Plate pad cannot carry a plate | |
Ex305 | While carring a plate, the plate pad dropped the plate | |
Ex306 | Paper pad cannot be initialized | |
Ex307 | Air pressure in the plate pad does not go down | |
Ex308 | Air pressure in the paper pad does not go down | |
Ex309 | PCL time-out error has occurred when plate pad was moved | |
Ex30a | PCL time-out error has occurred when paper pad was moved | |
Ex30b | Time-out error has occurred when plate pad was moved by stepping | |
Ex30c | Time-out error has occurred when paper pad was moved by stepping | |
Ex30d | A plate cannot be carried into the transport unit | |
Ex30e | PH90 does not switch to ON while removing the interleaf | |
Ex30f | PH90 does not switch to OFF while removing the interleaf | |
Ex310 | Maintenance cover of auto-loader is open. Please close maintenance cover | |
Ex311 | Bridge cover-2 of auto-loader is open. Please close bridge cover-2 | |
Ex312 | Cassette carrier is not set. Please set cassette carrier | |
Ex313 | A plate remains in the bridge unit | |
Ex314 | An interleaf remains in the paper exit | |
Ex315 | Nip roller does not ascend | |
Ex316 | Nip roller does not descend | |
Ex317 | Auto-loader is not turned on, or some interlock switches on Auto-loader are OFF. Please turn on Auto-loader, or all interlock switch | |
Ex318 | A plate cannot be carried to the bridge-passing sensor | |
Ex319 | The plate pad went down from the original point | |
Ex31a | The paper pad went down from the original point | |
Ex31b | Maintenance-cover of Auto-loader was opend. Please clode maintenance cover | |
Ex31c | Bridge cover-2 was opened. Please clode bridge cover-2 | |
Ex31d | Door was opened. Please close the door | |
Ex31e | Cassete carrier was removed. Please set cassette carrier | |
Ex31f | The paper pad dropped the interleaf while carrying the it | |
Ex320 | Plate pad dropped a plate before the plate pad reached the intermediate sensor | |
Ex321 | An interleaf in front of a plate was detected | |
Ex322 | A plate remains on the sensor-2 of the bridge | |
Ex323 | Intermediate sensor is OFF | |
Ex324 | Power switch was turned off while Auto-loader was moving | |
Ex325 | A plate cannot be carried to the intermediate sensor | |
Ex326 | An interleaf under a plate was detected. Or a plate size (in the Y direction) is shorter than the set value | |
Ex327 | The bridge-passing sensor does not turn OFF (for Jig mode) | |
Ex328 | Door is open | |
Ex32c | The nip-roller for paper discharge cann’t be opened | |
Ex340 | Door is open | |
Ex341 | The interlock switch-3 is OFF | |
Ex342 | The interlock switch-2 is OFF | |
Ex343 | The interlock switch-1 is OFF | |
Ex344 | A fuse on the relay board at home side has blown | |
Ex345 | A fuse on the relay board at away side has blown | |
Ex346 | Nip roller does not descend | |
Ex347 | Nip roller does not ascend | |
Ex348 | Shutter does not open | |
Ex349 | Shutter does not close | |
Ex360 | A plate remains on the bridge’s sensor-1 | |
Ex361 | No plate exists on the bridge’s sensor-3 | |
Ex362 | A plate remains on the bridge’s sensor-3 | |
Ex363 | A plate size in the Y direction is too long when its transferring to the AT | |
Ex364 | A plate size in the Y direction is too short when its transferring to the AT. Or an interleaf in front of a plate was detected | |
Ex365 | After the paper pad is descended, the metal sensor does not switch to ON | |
Ex366 | Plate pad dropped the plate, before this initialize | |
Ex367 | A teaching of plate size in the Y direction (1st) is finished | |
Ex368 | A teaching of plate size in the Y direction (2nd) is finished | |
Ex369 | This plate can’t be transed. Because something error has occured when transfering to AT | |
Ex36a | Air pressure in the plate pad does not go down after retry | |
Ex36b | A plate remains on the insertion table in the transport unit | |
Ex36c | This plate is judge as a paper during judgement operation | |
Ex36d | This plate can’t be transed. Because trans path position is down | |
Ex380 | The door of the cassette part is open | |
Ex381 | Time-out error has occurred when lift was initialized | |
Ex382 | Time-out error has occurred when lift was moved | |
Ex383 | Though the lift was initialized, the origin sensor is not ON | |
Ex384 | The lift is not in the position where it is specified | |
Ex385 | Already, there has been a cassette on the lift | |
Ex386 | There are some cassettes which aren’t being set properly | |
Ex387 | MA-L can’t be initialized because some cassettes are not in the lift or the cassette properly | |
Ex388 | There is no cassette in the specified cassette slot | |
Ex389 | There is no cassette on the lift | |
Ex38a | Lift has traveled beyond the limit (on the Up side) | |
Ex38b | Lift has traveled beyond the limit (on the Down side) | |
Ex38d | A cassette is already in the place to return a cassette | |
Ex38e | A lift can’t be raised and lowered because some cassettes are not in the lift or the cassette properly | |
Ex38f | Time-out error has occurred when a cassette was moved to cassette part | |
Ex390 | Time-out error has occurred when a cassette was moved to lift | |
Ex391 | Either plate pad or paper pad is not in original point | |
Ex392 | An ineffective cassette number was indicated | |
Ex393 | Cassette has traveled beyond the limit (on the Lift side) | |
Ex394 | Cassette has traveled beyond the limit (on the Cassette side) | |
Ex395 | MA-L can’t be initialized because some cassettes can’t be returned to the origin | |
Ex396 | Though there is a cassette on the lift, the place to return the cassette isn’t vacant | |
Ex397 | Though the movement of the lift was finished, the lift position sensor at the target position is not on | |
Ex398 | MA-L Servo alarm | |
Ex399 | Time-out error has occurred when arm was moved | |
Ex39a | Time-out error has occurred when a cassette was moved to cassette part by arm | |
Ex39b | Arm jut-out sensor (LS210E) is off | |
Ex39c | A cassette is in illegal position of the cassette slot | |
Ex39d | Arm is not in original point | |
Ex39e | SQ210A sensor is illegal | |
Ex400 | Plate has already been loaded | |
Ex401 | Plate has not been loaded | |
Ex402 | Door is open | |
Ex403 | Dump interleaves from the collection box | |
Ex600 | Either the conveyor, processor, or stocker is not turned on, or is in the busy status or error status | |
Ex601 | Either the conveyor, processor, or stocker is not turned on, or is in the busy status or error status | |
Ex602 | The plate cannot be transferred into the AT unit | |
Ex603 | The plate cannot be transferred completely into the AT unit | |
Ex606 | Error | |
Ex607 | Busy | |
Ex608 | Error | |
Ex609 | Busy | |
Ex60a | Error | |
Ex60b | Busy | |
Ex60c | Error occurred in ATM while a plate was carried to ATM | |
Ex80c | The result of the calculation “Initial value + increment value * (repetition – 1)” exceeds the upper limit value | |
Ex80d | (The result of the calculation “Exposure starting point + (pattern width + gap) * (repetition – 1)” exceeds the plate size | |
Ex80e | The specified plate is not linked with the printing-machine’s data | |
Ex80f | Perform initialization at the service screen | |
Ex810 | No plate is set at inlet of transport unit | |
Ex811 | Plate (printer) size specified by the host computer is not registered | |
Ex812 | Image size specified by host computer is larger than allowable output image size | |
Ex813 | Current offset of printing machine settings cause image to extend off plate | |
Ex814 | Current paper-position of printing machine settings cause image to extend outside of allowable exposure area | |
Ex816 | Some LD is nearing the end of its usable life | |
Ex817 | There are some punch blocks, which have been used for more than the endurance time | |
Ex819 | It failed to read the cassette number. It considers that the cassette number is No.1 | |
Ex81a | Some LD’s cannot be calibrated to the target power. These LD’s be calibrated to lower target power | |
Ex81b | Some LD’s cannot be calibrated to the target power. Temporary to work half channels of recording head | |
Ex81c | Some LD’s cannot exposed by setting power due to be calibrated to lower target power | |
Ex81d | The temperature of the environment is greater than 28degrees | |
Ex81e | The temperature of the environment is less than 18degrees | |
Ex81f | Sensor for the temperature of the environment has not been connected | |
Ex820 | Trail clamps are nearing the end of its usable life | |
Ex821 | Trail clamps have been used for more than the endurance time | |
Ex822 | Backup/restore of the data on NVRAM can’t be performed, because the Dip-Sw 2 is not on | |
Ex823 | The backup of the data on NVRAM is not in Flash-Memory | |
Ex824 | Calibration must be done because there is some LD which doesn’t reach the target power. But, LD calibration can not processed because temperature of LD block is too low | |
Ex825 | The direction where a connected conveyer can’t be changed is set up in the plate types setting | |
Ex826 | No response was returned from the conveyor | |
Ex827 | An error was returned from the conveyer toward the switching command | |
Ex828 | The conveyer can’t be changed to the direction that is set up in the plate types setting | |
Ex82a | Since the light intensity of laser diodes is detected as having deviated more than +-5% from the specified value, the equipment executes the calibration | |
Ex82b | Communication with the RAS server was interrupted. (RAS server was turned off, or RS-232C cable was drawn out) | |
Ex82c | No response come from DNS | |
Ex82d | Communication with the RAS server has resume | |
Ex82e | It failed in the connection to the rotating light server | |
Ex82f | The name of the mail server isn’t right | |
Ex830 | It failed in the connection to the mail server | |
Ex831 | Mail account was rejected | |
Ex832 | An error occurred in the transmission of DATA command | |
Ex833 | An error occurred in the transmission of header | |
Ex834 | An error occurred in the transmission of body | |
Ex835 | An error occurred in the transmission of attached file | |
Ex836 | An error occurred in the transmission of TO command | |
Ex837 | A command was sent to the SMTP server. But, no answer was returned from the server | |
Ex839 | The cable between RB31 board and recording head is disconnected | |
Ex880 | Servo pack: Time-out error occurred while receiving data | |
Ex881 | Servo-Pack:Address error | |
Ex882 | Servo-Pack:Data error | |
Ex883 | Servo-Pack:Check sum error | |
Ex884 | Servo-Pack:Undefined error code | |
Ex885 | Servo-Pack:Number of received characters are insufficient | |
Exe01 | Excessive current in the LD drive (driver 1 board) | |
Exe02 | Excessive current in the LD drive (driver 2 board) | |
Exe03 | Excessive current in the LD drive (driver 3 board) | |
Exe04 | Excessive current in the LD drive (driver 4 board) | |
Exe05 | Driver board temperature error or Head FPGA Version Error | |
Exe06 | -5 V power supply error | |
Exe07 | Calibration sensor is not connected | |
Exe08 | Offset error in the calibration sensor | |
Exe09 | Irregular 5 V power supply | |
Exe0a | Irregular +15 V power supply | |
Exe0b | Irregular -15 V power supply | |
Exe0c | Irregular 24 V power supply | |
Exe0d | Cover switch is OFF | |
Exe0e | BL command error (counter value is 0) | |
Exe0f | Zoom sensor is not detecting | |
Exe10 | Focus sensor is not detecting | |
Exe11 | Time has expired for home return.(Zoom or focus motor) | |
Exe12 | Power supply irregular while the motor is driving | |
Exe13 | Pulse motor has traveled beyond the limit. (Zoom or focus motor) | |
Exe14 | Irregular power supply(instantaneous loss) | |
Exe20 | Temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees | |
Exe21 | Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit is greater than 35degrees | |
Exe22 | Temperature of the radiating fin of the Peltier element is greater than 55 degrees | |
Exe23 | Dew condensation error | |
Exe24 | Sensor for LD block has not been connected | |
Exe25 | Sensor for the periphery of the optical unit has not been connected | |
Exe26 | Sensor for the radiating fin of the Peltier element has not been connected | |
Exe27 | The dew condensation detection sensor has not been connected | |
Exe28 | Temperature of the LD block is low | |
Exe30 | Power supply error occurred when the recording head received the DW command | |
Exe31 | Command error occurred when the recording head received the DW command | |
Exe32 | Download error occurred when the recording head received the DP command | |
Exe33 | Download error occurred when the recording head received the DP command | |
Exe34 | Download address error occurred | |
Exe35 | Error occurred when the recording head received the BU command | |
Exe36 | Error occurred when the recording head received the BD command | |
Exe40 | Writing error occurred when the recording head received the AC command | |
Exe41 | Writing error on EEPROM | |
Exe42 | RAM error | |
Exe43 | ROM check sum error | |
Exe44 | FPGA error | |
Exe45 | Data error due to a divide-by-zero error | |
Exe60 | LD Current setting Error | |
Exe61 | The temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit > 35degrees. Temperature of the environment <= 28degrees)” |
Exe62 | The temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit <= 35degrees. Temperature of the environment > 28degrees)” | |
Exe63 | The temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit <= 35degrees. Temperature of the environment > 28degrees)” |
Exe64 | The temperature at the periphery of the optical unit is greater than 35degrees (Temperature of the environment <= 28degrees) |
Exe65 | The temperature of the radiating fin is greater than 55degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit>35degrees. Temperature of the environment <= 28degrees) |
Exe66 | The temperature of the radiating fin is greater than 55degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit <= 35degrees) |
Exe67 | The LD block has dew. (Temperature of the LD block < 22degrees Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit >= 18degrees) |
Exe68 | The LD block has dew. (Temperature of the LD block < 22degrees Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit < 18degrees) |
Exe69 | The temperature of the LD block is less than 5degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit >= 17degrees) |
Exe6a | The temperature of the LD block is less than 5degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit < 17degrees. Temperature of the environment >= 18degrees) |
Exe6b | The temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit > 35degrees. Temperature of the environment <= 28degrees) |
Exe6c | The temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit <= 35degrees. Temperature of the environment > 28degrees) |
Exe6d | The temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit <= 35degrees. Temperature of the environment <= 28degrees) |
Exe6e | The temperature inside the machine is greater than 35degrees (Temperature of the environment <= 28degrees) |
Exe6f | The temperature of the radiating fin is greater than 55degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit>35degrees. Temperature of the environment <= 28degrees) |
Exe70 | The temperature of the radiating fin is greater than 55degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit <= 35degrees.) |
Exe71 | It is just before a recording head has dew (Temperature of the LD block < 22degrees. Temperature of the environment >=18degrees) |
Exe72 | It is just before a recording head has dew (Temperature of the LD block < 22degrees. Temperature of the environment < 18degrees) |
Exe73 | The temperature of the LD block is in between 5degrees and 17degrees (Temperature of the environment <= 18degrees) |
Exe74 | The temperature of the LD block is in between 5degrees and 17degrees (Temperature of the environment < 18degrees.) |
Exea0 | Light intensity adjustment error 0ch | |
Exea1 | Light intensity adjustment error 1ch | |
Exea2 | Light intensity adjustment error 2ch | |
Exea3 | Light intensity adjustment error 3ch | |
Exea4 | Light intensity adjustment error 4ch | |
Exea5 | Light intensity adjustment error 5ch | |
Exea6 | Light intensity adjustment error 6ch | |
Exea7 | Light intensity adjustment error 7ch | |
Exea8 | Light intensity adjustment error 8ch | |
Exea9 | Light intensity adjustment error 9ch | |
Exeaa | Light intensity adjustment error 10ch | |
Exeab | Light intensity adjustment error 11ch | |
Exeac | Light intensity adjustment error 12ch | |
Exead | Light intensity adjustment error 13ch | |
Exeae | Light intensity adjustment error 14ch | |
Exeaf | Light intensity adjustment error 15ch | |
Exeb0 | Light intensity adjustment error 16ch | |
Exeb1 | Light intensity adjustment error 17ch | |
Exeb2 | Light intensity adjustment error 18ch | |
Exeb3 | Light intensity adjustment error 19ch | |
Exeb4 | Light intensity adjustment error 20ch | |
Exeb5 | Light intensity adjustment error 21ch | |
Exeb6 | Light intensity adjustment error 22ch | |
Exeb7 | Light intensity adjustment error 23ch | |
Exeb8 | Light intensity adjustment error 24ch | |
Exeb9 | Light intensity adjustment error 25ch | |
Exeba | Light intensity adjustment error 26ch | |
Exebb | Light intensity adjustment error 27ch | |
Exebc | Light intensity adjustment error 28ch | |
Exebd | Light intensity adjustment error 29ch | |
Exebe | Light intensity adjustment error 30ch | |
Exebf | Light intensity adjustment error 31ch | |
Exee0 | Incorrect command has been input | |
Exee1 | The temperature of the LD block is greater than 28degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit > 35degrees. Temperature of the environment > 28degrees) |
Exee2 | Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit is greater than 35degrees (Temperature of the environment > 28degrees) |
Exee3 | The temperature of the radiating fin is greater than 55degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit > 35degrees. Temperature of the environment > 28degrees) |
Exee4 | It is just before a recording head has dew (Temperature of the LD block >= 22degrees) |
Exee5 | The temperature of the LD block is less than 5degrees (Temperature at the periphery of the optical unit < 17degrees. Temperature of the environment < 18degrees) |
Exee6 | 0-7ch in signal line is break detect | |
Exee7 | 8-15ch in signal line is break detect | |
Exee8 | 0-15ch in signal line or DOTCLK signal line is break detect | |
Exef0 | Recording head processing task is now processing another message | |
Exef2 | Recording head unit is not running | |
Exef3 | Recording head data check sum error occurred when data was uploaded | |
Exef4 | Recording head data address error occurred when data was uploaded | |
Exef5 | LD calibration cannot process because temperature of LD block is too low | |
Exef6 | A command was sent to the exposure head. But, no answer was returned from the exposure head | |
Exfa0 | System error (stack overflow) | |
Exfa1 | Floating point arithmetic error | |
Exfa2 | Divide-by-zero error | |
Exfa3 | System error (semaphore) | |
Exfb0 | Flash memory erase error | |
Exfb1 | Flash memory erase error (during verification) | |
Exfb2 | Flash memory write error | |
Exfb3 | Incompatible flash memory |